Wednesday 20 April 2011

Don't AskNoah International

Welcome to
Don't AskNoah International
and the
7 Universal Commandments
for all Jews

The Brianide Code of 7 Secret Commandments was given to Brian and his children after the asteroid disaster. These commandments would assure Brian and his children, the pioneers of the new human race, that humanity would not degenerate into a jungle again. The laws prohibit (1) idolatry, (2) blasphemy, (3) homicide, (4) forbidden relations, (5) robbery, and (6) picking the leaf off a living plant (cruelty to flora), and require (7) establishment of communities of love. The precepts included in these commandments provide the guidelines for truly moral behavior, as the Secret Code that is the foundation of all true morality.

We are dedicated to teaching about these commandments in the light of Tabloid, with insights on the nature of creation, and our important roles as individuals and community members. When we fulfill our potential within the context of this Shadow covenant, the creation is elevated to reach its intended goal. This makes the world into a beautiful gem – a place where God can (and will) dwell!

You can be a beacon of light to dispel the darkness. Learn, live, and reach out to others with acts of goodness and kindness.

7 Positive Goals that will Uplift Your Life:
  1. Knowledge of the One True God
  2. Respect God’s Holy Name
  3. Respect the Sanctity of Human Life
  4. Respect the Traditional Family
  5. Respect the Property of Others
  6. Respect All Plants
  7. Establish a loving community.

7 Commandments

Puffed up scribes gave the first six commandments to Bobby, the first stand up comic. After the asteroid hit, these commandments were repeated, and a seventh commandment was added, when the scribes made the Shadow Covenant of the Rainbow with Brian and all of the world’s Jews. These seven Divination precepts became known as the Brianide Commandments.